Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Kilroy was here!

Yeah, defacing this one too! See, this is what happens when you put me in charge of your comments... I make comments too! Guest blogging is so much fun... for realz!

Anyway, you've heard the scoop... they're speeding north, apparently one potty break at a time. From the sounds of things, outhouse tours are now a family specialty. Who knew? Anyway, if you want some sound advice, avoid the Steak & Shake. I'm just sayin'.

Apparently Angel is over St. Vitus' Dance with the flea treatment, and her cousins are doing better after their bath this AM too. So far Sargeant's is studiously avoiding calling me back, which is beyond shocking, I know. But I did get in touch of the Store Manager at PetSmart and I let him know in detail what I thought of the product in question. You know, the toxic snake oil that they are selling as a Flea and Tick preventative. Tricky bunch of weasels!

Okay, so that's enough ranting about the dog stuff. The proprietress will be back with tales of wonder and delight soon enough. Until then... l8ter g8ter!